The Hogan Development Survey (HDS): 2025 Guide
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To pass the Hogan Development Survey, you want to:
- Complete as many practice questions as possible and review the answers. It is important to know how your personality trait might be negatively interpreted.
- Research the role and company so you understand what will be expected of you.
- Understand when a personality trait becomes too high or too low. This will help you avoid the high-risk scores that could hinder your success.
The Hogan Development Survey is a personality test designed to identify how you respond to stressful workplace scenarios.
As it is not an aptitude test, there are no specific areas you need to learn. However, as your performance on the HDS test determines whether you progress to the next stage of the recruitment process, some preparation is still recommended.
By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the Hogan Development Survey and several useful tips to help you achieve the best possible result.
What Is the Hogan Development Survey?
The Hogan Development Survey is a pre-employment personality test developed by Hogan Assessements that focuses on the ‘dark side’ of your personality.
Traditionally, personality tests measure how well you communicate and deal with everyday workplace scenarios.
The HDS test assesses for those negative personality traits that arise in highly stressful situations, such as micromanaging, taking advantage of those who work below you and doing whatever it takes to become the successful one, regardless of who you hurt or betray in the process.
It will give some insight into your decision-making and self-confidence, if you take the feelings of others into consideration and if you are detail-oriented.
As the test highlights those who might abuse their power, it is primarily given to those applying for managerial or senior-level roles.
However, it can also be used for graduate scheme recruitment.
The HDS personality test is backed by over 20 years of research and is available in 40 languages.
It often comes as part of a series of tests called the Hogan Assessment, which also includes:
- Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)
- Hogan Motives, Values & Preferences Inventory (MVPI)
- Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)
- Hogan Judgement Tests
The test is used globally by companies of all sizes and industries, including Dayton Freight, Blizzard Entertainment and Array.
Your employer might ask you to take one, some or all of these tests. The HPI and MVPI, along with the HDS, all measure different aspects of your personality.
The HBRI and Judgement Test measure cognitive skills.
Try a Hogan Development Survey Practice Test on JobTestPrep
What Is the Hogan Survey Format?
The test consists of 170 questions and should take at most 20 minutes.
You take the Hogan Development Survey online and unsupervised in a location of your choosing.
The questions are statements, and you need to decide to what degree you think it applies to you.
Examples of Hogan Development Survey Questions (2025)
Below are some Hogan HDS sample questions.
Question 1. When I dress for work, I do so to stand out.
Strongly Agree | Agree | Disagree | Strongly Disagree
Question 2. I am often disappointed by the people I meet.
Strongly Agree | Agree | Disagree | Strongly Disagree
Question 3. I am suspicious of people's motives when they offer to help.
Strongly Agree | Agree | Disagree | Strongly Disagree
Question 4. I believe I have the most innovative ideas in my team.
Strongly Agree | Agree | Disagree | Strongly Disagree
Question 5. I prefer to take charge in stressful situations.
Strongly Agree | Agree | Disagree | Strongly Disagree
What Does the HDS Measure?
The test measures 11 dark personality traits, each with three subscales.
The subscales help indicate whether you score heavily or weakly on each personality trait.
Below is a chart showing the 11 assessed dark personality traits, their subscales and how your personality looks if you score high or low.
As very few personality tests measure the negative potential of our personality, it is best to take advantage of an online Hogan Development Survey practice test so you can see how your answers are interpreted and presented.
Personality Trait | Subscales | Low Score | High Score |
Excitable |
Appears calm but could lack that ‘fire’ or any sense of urgency | No clear passions or interests, gets frustrated easily and loses interest |
Sceptical |
Naive and easy to take advantage of | Very untrusting, believes everyone has devious intentions and never forgives |
Cautious |
Always up for something new but rarely thinks about the consequences and too impulsive | Fear of failure so avoids anything different or new |
Reserved |
Empathetic towards others which people can take advantage of | Very little regard for others and their feelings. Comes across as cold and detached |
Leisurely |
Believes good work will be recognised and is comfortable expressing opinions | Believes efforts are never recognised, resentful and often appears as moody |
Bold |
Lacks confidence and undervalues own skills and talents | Very self-assured and often arrogant. Believes they have unique talents |
Mischievous |
Very compliant and lacks authority so easy to take advantage of | Takes lots of uncalculated risks and has no issues manipulating others |
Colourful |
Task-focused, doesn’t leave an impression on others and finds it difficult to multitask or change direction | Confident and energetic but often self-absorbed, talks over others and needs constant stimulation |
Imaginative |
Lacks creativity, takes the practical route and needs routine | Believes they can see and understand everything and others cannot. Imaginative but unorganised, overconfident and easily bored |
Diligent |
Lacks attention to detail and easily forgives drops in standards. Unable to properly prepare in advance | Perfectionist and unforgiving when it comes to rules and standards. May be too controlling |
Dutiful |
Independent and self-sufficient, often resentful of authority | Very eager to please and often seeks validation from seniors. Can be too compliant |
This PDF from Hogan Assessments goes into lots of detail about each subscale and provides a Hogan Development Survey sample report for you to better understand what is being looked for.
Your potential employer will receive your results almost immediately. The actual report will feature three scores:
- Executive Summary
- Percentile
- Primary and subscales
The Executive Summary gives a bullet-point breakdown of all your negative personality traits.
Your Percentile is calculated by comparing your answers to those who have also taken the test and the expectations of the hiring company. The higher the score, the more suited you are to the role.
You are given a percentile score for each personality trait measured.
The percentile ranges are:
- 0 to 25: Low
- 26 to 50: Below average
- 51 to 75: Above average
- 76 to 100: High
The Primary and subscales section is a breakdown of your answers. It includes how the test interprets your answers and what areas should be discussed if feedback is given.
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How to Pass the Hogan Development Survey in 2025
While you don’t need to revise or learn any specialised subjects, the following Hogan Development Survey tips can help you feel much better prepared for your HDS Test.
Step 1. Familiarise Yourself With the Test Format
It is very tempting to look at these personality questions and pick the option that seems the most desirable.
But remember, this test measures the dark side of your personality.
Any answer you give can be seen as a negative.
Taking a Hogan HDS practice test and reading through Hogan Development Survey answers will help you understand what your recruiter is looking for and how your answers might be interpreted.
Step 2. Complete Hogan Development Survey Sample Questions
Completing a Hogan Development Survey free online test is the best preparation you can do.
Not only does it give you an idea of how long it takes to complete, but you’ll have a better understanding of the question format and wording.
Step 3. Don’t Give Fake Answers
It is very tempting in pre-employment personality tests to provide the answers you think the company is looking for.
But the software that generates your results knows when you are giving false answers.
There are 170 questions and only 11 personality traits. The same questions will appear several times, just worded differently.
The only way to not get caught out is to be honest.
Step 4. Research the Role
Understanding what values and characteristics are needed for your role will help you answer your questions.
When completing Hogan HDS sample questions have the job description nearby and see if you can align your answers to the job description.
For example, if the description says you will be managing a team to drive innovation, you want to be open to creativity and allow others to take the initiative.
You want to be the type of leader who encourages collaboration, so an authoritarian personality would not be suitable.
Step 5. Consider Optimal Ranges
As all the questions have low and high ranges, it might be beneficial to figure out what the opposite ends look like and where the middle ground sits.
Of course, there will be some questions where you will naturally score high or low because of your skill sets.
But for those questions you aren’t sure about, knowing what the middle looks like might help direct your answer.
Step 6. Read the Questions Carefully
Sometimes personality questions are designed to confuse you, especially when they use double negatives.
Read through the questions slowly to confirm you are giving the correct response.
Completing a Hogan HDS practice test free online will allow you to see how the questions are often phrased.
Step 7. Answer All the Hogan Development Survey Questions
Hogan Development Survey questions have no right or wrong answers, so answer every single one. Missing one could greatly reduce your score.
The Hogan Development Survey is a pre-employment personality test designed to measure the dark side of your personality. While other tests allow employers to see where you excel, the HDS highlights the negative ways a personality trait might manifest.
The Hogan Development Survey is not a test you need to pass in the traditional sense, as you don’t need any specialist knowledge.
However, to progress to the next stage of recruitment, you do need to align with the job role and company expectations.
If you believe you are the right person for the role, the HDS should be easy to pass. Be diligent if you wish to receive a high score in this personality assessment.
The best way to prepare for the Hogan Development Survey is to complete practice questions and understand the role requirements for the job you are testing for.
In a way, yes, you can fail the Hogan Development Survey.
The company you are testing for has a profile of its perfect employee, and your personality results will be measured against that.
Only those who match the most will progress to the next recruitment stage.
Except for extenuating circumstances, you cannot retake the Hogan Development Survey. These tests are designed to quickly identify the strongest candidates.
If you make any mistakes or fail, the company will view you as unsuitable for the role. You can, however, take the test multiple times for different employers.
You can find more sample questions for the Hogan Development Survey at JobTestPrep.
No, there is no official time limit for the Hogan Development Survey, but it is expected for you to complete it within 20 minutes.
The best way to pass the Hogan Development Survey test is to research the company, understand the role you have applied for and complete plenty of practice questions.
Remember, this test measures potential negative outcomes of your personality.
Understanding how personality traits can manifest negatively will also help you pass.
To take the Hogan Development Survey, you will need a strong and secure internet connection and a device that connects to the internet.
A laptop or desktop computer is best, but it might be possible to use a tablet or iPad.
Your recruiter will send you the access details.
Yes, the Hogan Development Survey is only available online.
The purpose of the Hogan Development Survey is to highlight how a candidate's personality might negatively manifest in the workplace under stressful situations.
A complete guide for the Hogan Development Survey is available on Hogan Assessments and JobTestPrep.
Final Thoughts
Taking any pre-employment test can be stressful, especially when it is for a high-level or management role.
What makes this test different to other personality tests is that it identifies the dark side of your personality traits. This isn’t something we are often faced with, and it can be quite uncomfortable information to see.
Before taking the test, research and understand the role you have applied for and complete as many practice questions as you can.
There are plenty of resources available that include a Hogan HDS test online free.
Following the Hogan Development Survey tips in this article will help you feel more confident and prepared on test day.
Finally, remember you have applied for this job because you believe you are the right person for it. Have confidence in yourself and answer truthfully.