How to Write a Two-Weeks Notice (With Email & Letter Templates)
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Congratulations are in order: you have been offered a new job. First, though, you need to give a two weeks' notice to leave your current role.
Leaving a job professionally and without burning your bridges is always a challenge.
Read our advice on how to write a two weeks’ notice letter or email (assuming that's the notice period in question).
Why You Should Write a Two Weeks' Notice
Even if you get on well with your current employer and are a little sad to be leaving, telling your manager that you are moving on is not only good manners; it also gives them the best chance of finding a quality replacement (and planning you a leaving party).
Most employment contracts stipulate that you must give your current employer formal notice if you are planning to leave. This is usually two weeks but can vary, so check your contract.
If you have been in your current role for a while you will have built up friendships, networks and contacts. These are all people you will want to keep in touch with because they might be useful in your future career.
How you leave your current job will affect how your former colleagues remember you. Taking the time to carefully hand over your workload and to say thank you will ensure you leave a positive impression.
Two Weeks' Notice - Should I Send an Email or a Letter?
You know your employer and what will work best for them – often this will be a 2 weeks' notice email.
These are especially useful if you need to give your two weeks' notice in a hurry or if the culture of your company favors email communication.
They can also be useful if you are a remote worker, are on maternity leave or are just unable to hand in a letter in person.
However, even in this age of instant electronic communication, it is sometimes better to resign in person and then follow up with a formal letter.
If you have plenty of time to issue your two weeks' notice, then think about whether it is worth writing a formal 2 weeks notice letter.

How to Write a 2 Weeks' Notice Email or Letter: Step-by-Step Guide
Try to write your 2 week notice email before you meet your boss, not after. This way you can send your email straight after as a confirmation of what you have said.
Do not make your message complicated or verbose. Say what you need to say in as few words as you can and leave it at that. Keeping your email short also helps to avoid saying anything you might later regret.
A brief two weeks' notice email is always better, but there are some things you should always include.
Here's how to write a two weeks notice letter or email, our step-by-step guide:
Step 1. Always Give the News in Person First
It is always best to find time to meet your boss face-to-face and tell them you are resigning, prior to sending your 2 weeks’ notice email or informing colleagues.
Again, if you are a remote worker, you can do this by phone or Skype but the proper etiquette is to meet in person. Look at this as a chance to have a personal conversation with your employer to thank them for the opportunities they gave you.
For most people, this should be a meeting with your direct line manager. However, some companies have specific procedures you should follow, which you will find in your contract of employment.
Resigning from a job is common practice and your manager will know this. It is important that they hear the news from you, and they will respect you for telling them before they get wind of your departure elsewhere; it means that you and your manager can agree on an exit plan together.
Step 2. Give the Date You Will Be Leaving
Tell your employer exactly what date you will be leaving. This will be your last working day.
Or state that your resignation will be effective two weeks from the date of your email.
Step 3. Say Why You Are Leaving
The chances are that your manager will ask you anyway, so briefly explain why you are leaving in your notice email. Of course, be diplomatic. "I'm looking for a new challenge" is much better than, "This job is really boring and I can't leave quickly enough."
Step 4. Do What You Can to Help
Remember, you are trying to leave a positive impression. Offering to help out while you work your notice is never a bad idea. Little things such as handing over unfinished projects or assisting in training a replacement can go a long way.
Step 5. Ask Any HR Questions
This is also a chance to ask any questions you have about resigning. You might need to clarify, for example, when you will receive your final paycheck or information about benefits. If you are moving, it is also worth including a forwarding address.
Step 6. Say Thank You
Everyone likes to receive a thank you, and your manager is no different.
Step 7. Check It Carefully
This is not the time to make a silly typo, or have an ‘I forgot to attach the attachment' moment.
Once you have written your email, review spelling, grammar, punctuation, dates, names – everything. Make sure there are absolutely no errors.
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Mistakes to Avoid While Writing a Two Weeks' Notice
The internet is stuffed full of examples of how – and how not – to resign from your job. Decorating your resignation onto the top of a cake may sound fun but it’s not an appropriate way to formally give your notice. Nor should you copy the efforts of a flight attendant who announced his resignation over the cabin intercom before activating the emergency slides and making a dramatic, and speedy, departure.
And if you are considering not handing in your notice at all, remember that your employer could take you to court for breach of contract.
No matter how much you may dislike your boss, no matter how tempting it might be, taking the time to do things properly and leave in a professional manner is always the right thing to do.
Your aim is to make a peaceful, positive and properly planned exit; no matter how eager you are to escape.
Two-Weeks Notice Letter Template
This is a simple 2 week notice template email. Make sure you adapt it for your own circumstances. This isn't a time for copy and paste.
Subject: Joe Bloggs – Notice of Resignation
Dear [Line Manager],
As we discussed earlier today, I am writing to tender my formal resignation from [XYZ Company] as my family is relocating. My last day at [XYZ] will be Friday 27 January 2023.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist you with the transition. I will be glad to offer any support I can during my remaining time with the company.
[If you are moving, include a paragraph such as this:]
As you know, I will be relocating to Newtown to start my new role. If you need to contact me, you will be able to reach me at, or on 01234567890.
I have copied in HR for their information and will liaise with them further if necessary.
Thank you for the opportunities and support you have given me over the last [x] years; I wish both you and the company every success for the future.
Best regards,
Joe Bloggs
Dear [Manager's Name],
I am writing to inform you that I have decided to resign from my position as [Your Job Title] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date two weeks from now].
I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that I have gained during my time at the company. I have learned a great deal from my colleagues and superiors, and I am grateful for the support and guidance that I have received throughout my tenure.
I will do everything I can to ensure a smooth transition during the next two weeks. I am happy to assist in training my replacement and completing any outstanding projects to the best of my ability. Please let me know if there is anything specific that you would like me to focus on during this period.
Thank you for your understanding and support. I hope that we can stay in touch and maintain a positive professional relationship in the future.
[Your Name]
Dear [Manager's Name],
I am writing to let you know that I have decided to resign from my position as [Your Job Title] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date two weeks from now].
I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to work for such a wonderful organization. During my time here, I have learned so much and have had the opportunity to work alongside some amazing colleagues.
I am proud of the work that we have accomplished together and the positive impact we have had on the company and our clients. I will miss the team, but I am excited for what the future holds.
Please let me know if there is anything specific that you would like me to focus on during my remaining time here. I am happy to help in any way that I can to ensure a smooth transition.
Again, I want to express my gratitude for the support and guidance that I have received during my time here. I will always look back on my time at [Company Name] with fond memories.
Thank you for understanding and supporting me in my decision to move on.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
Dear [Manager's Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to let you know that I have decided to resign from my position as [Your Job Title] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date two weeks from now].
I've enjoyed my time here and am grateful for the opportunities and experiences that I've had while working with such a great team. However, I've decided to move on and pursue other interests.
I want to do everything I can to ensure a smooth transition during the next two weeks. Please let me know if there's anything specific that you need me to focus on or if there are any projects that I should complete before my departure.
Thanks again for everything and I look forward to staying in touch.
Best regards,
[Your Name]