Maths Genie: A 2025 Review
- What Is Maths Genie?
- How Much Is Maths Genie?
- What Areas Does Maths Genie Include?
- Maths Genie GCSE Resources and Past Papers
- Maths Genie A-Level Resources
- Maths Genie KS2 Resources
- Mathsgenie iGCSE
- Mathsgenie GCSE Statistics
- Can You Use Maths Genie Offline?
- How to Use Maths Genie
- What Maths Exam Boards Are Included?
- What Additional Resources Are Available on Maths Genie?
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Final Thoughts
What Is Maths Genie?
Maths Genie (found at is an excellent free resource for students who are studying for different mathematics exams in the UK.
There are resources for revision as well as past exam papers for GCSE and A-Level maths past papers and SATs available, alongside other resources like examination dates to help students succeed at math no matter what level they are at.
The free maths resources range from video lessons and tutorials on a subject-by-subject basis exam-style example questions, examination booklets and answers.
There is also a scheme of learning, which is a stage-by-stage learning journey that aims to guide students through all the topics that they need to cover for both Foundation and Higher GCSE Maths.
How Much Is Maths Genie?
Maths Genie is a free service for users, and every resource is freely available to students and their parents. Including free GCSE maths online courses and past papers
Thhe free maths website makes money through advertising, and although there are a few ads on the page, pop-ups are limited so it isn’t too distracting.
What Areas Does Maths Genie Include?
Maths Genie is a resource that is aimed mostly at students in Key Stages 3 and 4, with in-depth resources for GCSEs in particular.
The site does offer revision guides and past papers for Key Stage 2 SATs as well.
The website itself is easy to navigate, with everything that you need available from the home page, so you don’t need to go searching to look for revision questions/guides or past papers.
One of the best features is that there are upcoming exam dates for both GCSEs and A-Levels.
Maths Genie GCSE Resources and Past Papers
Maths GCSE Revision
The GCSE revision resources are arranged in grade order, with 1 to 5 for Foundation and 6+ for Higher.
The topics are listed in each grade, with specific video tutorials for each topic, followed by exam questions that you can take.
There are also exam booklets available with corresponding answer sheets on each topic.
GCSE Past Papers
GCSE past papers are an excellent resource for learning, and Maths Genie has past papers available from all three major exam boards for different levels.
All the GCSE past papers are available for free download, while some can be completed online too.
Maths Genie A-Level Resources
A-Level Revision
In a similar way to the GCSEs, the A-Level maths revision courses and resources are arranged by topic but also by subject and level.
The subjects include:
- AS Level Pure Mathematics
- AS Level Mechanics and Statistics
- A-Level Pure Mathematics
- A-Level Mechanics and Statistics
The revision resources also come with video tutorials, example questions and exam booklets with answers on each topic covered.
A-Level Past Papers
All three of the major maths exam boards have past papers in this section for students to use in their revision.
Maths Genie KS2 Resources
Revision in the Primary School section includes revision by topic, much like for the GCSE and A-Level resources, with video tutorials, practice questions, exam booklets, answers and KS2 quiz.
There are also past papers from the SATs from 2017 to 2022, including the marking schemes.
Mathsgenie iGCSE
The Edexcel iGCSE resources include past papers from 2018 to 2021, with the marking schemes for each.
Past papers are available for both Foundation and Higher students.
Mathsgenie GCSE Statistics
This section covers the GCSE statistics topics that are not covered elsewhere in the revision materials, and these topics have similar content:
- Video tutorials
- Example exam questions
- Exam question booklets
- Answers
There are also past papers available from Edexcel from 2011 to 2018, along with other papers from 2018 to 2021, all with marking schemes.
Can You Use Maths Genie Offline?
One of the best parts of the Maths Genie offering is that all the past papers are available to download, which means that they can be printed off and used in realistic maths practice test environments.
Some of the maths tests are available as both PDF and Word documents, so you have the choice of how to download them – and all you’ll need is a basic printer to put together a useful exam booklet (and the relevant marking scheme).
This can help reduce possible distractions that might come with working online.
How to Use Maths Genie
It is never too early to start revising for your GCSE or A-Levels, and with the simple resources available at Maths Genie, everything is to hand.
Specific topics can be picked up following on from when they are taught in lessons, and this can help with memory allocation, and then they can be looked at later as well.
To get the most out of any type of revision, time should be spent creating a realistic revision programme – students shouldn’t be studying all the time, of course, but little and often can have really good results.
If you are stuck on creating a revision plan, then the Mathematics Learning Journey created by Maths Genie might be a good place to start.
There is more on this feature later in this article.
What Maths Exam Boards Are Included?
GCSE Past Papers
Past papers from both Foundation and Higher papers are available from the years 2017 to 2021, and the marking schemes and answers are linked to the papers on the navigation screen on the website.
An interesting addition to the Edexcel papers is that there is also a descriptive video guide to the answers, which helps to explain them better.
Foundation and Higher OCR past papers are available from 2017 to 2021, and the resources in this section also include the ability to complete the paper online or download it as a PDF.
The answer sheet is not included, but you will have access to the marking scheme.
In the AQA section of past papers, all the Foundation and Higher papers are available from 2017 to 2021, including the November papers.
All tests are downloadable, and the marking scheme is also present.
A-Level Past Papers
The past papers range from 2018 to 2021 and include the test that can be downloaded as a PDF or a Word document, the marking scheme, and the answers.
Video answers are also provided on some of the assessments.
For earlier papers, Core 1 to 4 exams are provided from 2010 to 2017, as are Statistics 1 and Mechanics 1.
The AS Level practice papers in Pure Mathematics and Statistics or Pure Mathematics and Mechanics are available from 2018 to 2021, and there is both an answer book and a marking scheme available.
The A-Level papers in Pure Mathematics, Pure Mathematics and Statistics and Pure Mathematics and Mechanics are also available over the same date range.
A-Level practice papers are available in Pure Mathematics and Mechanics, Pure Mathematics and Statistics and Pure Maths and Comprehension Insert Part B from 2018 to 2021, and the same for AS Level (there is no comprehension paper in the AS Level of the MEI exams).
The AS and A-Level practice papers from AQA include the marking scheme, but they also include both the June and November papers.

What Additional Resources Are Available on Maths Genie?
Mathematics Learning Journey
This is a structured course that is designed to take students on a learning journey through all the topics that are covered in GCSE Mathematics for both Foundation and Higher students.
It is also known as the scheme of learning.
In this, there are 14 stages, with each stage consisting of several topics of learning.
Before you start each stage, you are invited to take a test to see how much you already know about the subject.
If you score more than 80% (16 out of 20), you can skip it and move on to the next stage.
The content of each topic is similar in structure to the other resources available on Maths Genie, with a video tutorial, an exam question worksheet, an exam questions booklet and the relevant answers.
At the end of each stage, there is a 20-question test that you take, and you should complete it with an overall score of at least 80% before you move on to the next part.
There are four versions of the test available in each stage, which is useful if you need to repeat any of the learning.
Stages one to 10 are aimed at Foundation level students, and 11 to 14 are for Higher students only.
Predicted Papers
The Predicted Papers section is crafted from the advanced information that was provided by the exam boards, specifically for the 2022 GCSE exams, where various information was provided before the exams to help students after the turmoil of the pandemic.
These included things like specific topics and formula sheets.
45-Minute Papers
The 45-minute papers simply practice papers split in half, making the tests less lengthy to take and removing some of the pressure that students might feel in a 90-minute examination.
They are great for short revision sessions or when looking to evaluate knowledge in specific topics without too much other information being added.
Mini tests are even more effective for targeting topic knowledge in specific areas, as they cover just one topic at a time.
Mini tests are available for both Foundation and Higher students.
Other Resources
Other resources available from the Maths Genie website include:
- Starter Topics
- Maths Genie KS1 and Maths Genie KS2 Curriculum
- KS3 Curriculum
- KS4 Curriculum
- Maths Genie Edexcel GCSE Two Year Scheme
- Self-Assessment Sheet (used to identify weaknesses and focus revision)
- GCSE formulae to remember
- Graph paper and coordinate axes to download and print
Frequently Asked Questions
The Maths Genie website is an abundantly useful website for revision purposes. There is coverage for all major exam boards and for all levels of maths from primary school right through to A-Levels.
As a free resource, it offers students and parents knowledge and revision, as well as practice papers.
The best maths revision website for your needs will depend entirely on how you prefer to study, and Maths Genie is a brilliant starting point.
Offering video lessons and tuition as well as full practice papers (and everything in between), using Maths Genie GCSE maths is a great place to learn about what is needed for GCSEs and A-Levels in particular.
Maths Genie can help you learn more about the different topics that are featured in GCSE and A-Levels, as well as for Key Stage 2 SATs.
If you are looking for a place that has both tuition videos and past papers based on each topic and each grade, then you’ll find Maths Genie an excellent (and, most importantly, free) resource.
Maths Genie is completely free to use, and the creators have made it very obvious from the front page of the website that it will always be free.
Revenue to support the page and the content comes from advertisements on the page.
The three main exam boards are about the same in terms of marking and difficulty, and students will have different feelings about which exam board is the hardest.
So, essentially, it is personal as to which exam board is hardest for GCSE Maths.
Maths Genie includes all the content from the main three exam boards, which include Edexcel, AQA and OCR.
Maths Genie is not about cheating on a test but about being prepared and having the knowledge to revise for GCSE, A-Level and SAT math tests.
It is an excellent resource for giving you an understanding of different topics, as well as confidence from completing past papers.
The Maths Genie marking schemes for each worksheet can be found next to the topic title, next to the video tutorial and the exam booklets.
You can mark your work yourself when you have completed each worksheet.
Maths Genie is a well-designed, user-friendly website that is easy to navigate and really easy to use, too.
The information is provided in both topics and in grades, with a really useful learning pathway through all the topics that have been created to give both a broad and a granular look at everything that you need to know to be successful at GCSE, A-Level and even primary school SATs.
Maths Genie was designed with the purpose of supporting students with revision for maths GCSEs, A-Levels and SATs.
On the website, you will find video tutorials, example questions, and tests, as well as years and years’ worth of past papers that can help you revise for your exams.
There are so many places online where you can find practice questions for maths, but when you are facing GCSE and A-Levels, you want to make sure that the questions cover the right topics and they are crafted to be like the real thing, and that is where Maths Genie is an excellent resource.
Not only are the topics based on the relevant curriculum, but there are past papers from previous years available for better practice.
So, whether you’re searching Google for terms such as: surds Maths Genie, Maths Genie probability, Maths Genie trigonometry, compound interest Maths Genie or Maths Genie ratio, Maths Genie will present relevant practice questions.
As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, the person behind "Maths Genie" is Craig Barton, a mathematics teacher and educational resource creator from the United Kingdom. He has a significant presence in the education community, particularly in the field of mathematics teaching.
"Maths Genie" was generally well-regarded and considered a helpful resource by many students and teachers in the United Kingdom. The website, created by Craig Barton, offered a wide range of free resources, including exam papers, revision materials, and video tutorials, which were valuable for students preparing for math exams, particularly GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and A-levels.
Final Thoughts
Maths Genie is a really well-thought-out tool for students, with everything laid out in a way that is simple to navigate. All the information that you will need to complete your GCSEs, A-Levels or even SATs maths is available in one place.
The depth of resources is vast, with a range of different tutorial videos as well as example questions and past papers, which means that students and parents can find exactly the resources they need to work on the areas that are more of a struggle.
What makes this even more of a valuable resource is that it is completely free of charge – a real boon for parents and students alike.