Best JavaScript Courses
What Is JavaScript?
While creating an interactive document or web page, you have most likely used some form of JavaScript.
This programming language allows you to create parts of a web page that visitors can interact with. Hyperlinks, external pages and references you find and follow from one web page to another use JavaScript.
Today, there are multiple programming languages, and JavaScript is only one of many. You may have heard of Python, Visual Basic and PHP.
It is not the purpose of this article to outline what each one of these achieves, but it is important to note the key differences between JavaScript and Java.
The two are often mistaken for one programming language, and even though they have similar applications, they work differently. Java is a programming language that helps create applications that run on both a virtual machine and browser.
JavaScript only applies to browsers. In other words, if you are using a web page or an internet server, you are most likely interacting with a JavaScript language.
With JavaScript becoming more compatible with multiple devices, more people are now able to create engaging web pages. Because of JavaScript, businesses and individuals can make better web pages to advertise their content and services.
In this article, we will cover why it is essential that you should learn JavaScript and how long this will roughly take. We will also outline the best JavaScript courses to improve your existing skills.
The creation of interactive and engaging web pages has become a basic requirement for businesses. If you are looking at taking yours to the next level, then learning JavaScript could help.
1. Udemy – Modern JavaScript From the Beginning
This beginner course is comprehensive and consists of 122 lectures that total around 22 hours.
All Udemy courses are online, allowing you to complete it in your own time.
You will learn the general JavaScript patterns, modular learning sections that can be applied to real-world projects and asynchronous programming.
The complete package is priced at around $83 and is easy to purchase. All you need is a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS.
Visit Udemy – Modern JavaScript From the Beginning
2. Udemy – The Complete JavaScript Course 2021: From Zero to Expert!
In contrast to the beginner’s course, the Complete JavaScript Course 2021 is broader in content and structure. There are a total of 314 lectures, which take around 68 hours to complete.
Like the beginner course, it is priced at $83 and is accessible as soon as you purchase the package.
There are no requirements needed for this course, as it will take you from beginner to expert level. HTML and CSS knowledge is a plus, but it is not essential, as there is a crash course on these.
In taking this course, you will learn all the JavaScript fundamentals, such as the functions, objects and applications they apply to. You will also get the chance to study how to build your projects and practice what you have learned with the course’s architect challenges.
Visit Udemy – The Complete JavaScript Course 2021: From Zero to Expert!
3. Udemy – JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass
After finishing the Complete JavaScript Course 2021, you may want to polish your skills. This course is designed to make you stand out from the crowd.
After taking the 249 lectures, you will become a master at completing difficult coding interviews and data structures, and developing popular algorithms.
At $83, this is a great way to refine your talents. It is recommended that you take the other course prior to this, but all you need to succeed on this course is a basic knowledge of JavaScript syntax.
Visit Udemy – JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass
4. Codecademy
The courses offered by Codecademy are both comprehensive and accessible. It has a range of beginner and intermediate programs that vary in length and style.
In its catalog of courses, you can gain the skills to tailor what you want to use JavaScript for. Whether you want to pursue web games development or a career as a web engineer, Codecademy has a package for you.
There are also different packages to suit everyone’s financial situation. If you are new to JavaScript, you can take the Learn JavaScript course for free. Alternatively, sign up to the Pro package for under $20 a month, where you can access all the beginner and intermediate course material.
The time to complete the material varies depending on the course, but with the range available at Codecademy, you can begin your JavaScript training with no prior knowledge.
5. Udacity – Intro to JavaScript
This free introductory course takes only two weeks to complete, and it is a great platform for gathering the basics quickly.
It is self-paced, meaning you can take as long as you need to go through and review the content.
You will also learn the fundamentals in programming, language and terminology. This course is ideal for beginners, as Udacity uses quizzes and interactive challenges to test your knowledge.
Visit Udacity – Intro to JavaScript
6. Udacity – Learn Intermediate JavaScript
Once you have completed the introductory course with Udacity, you can advance your skills with its Learn Intermediate JavaScript program.
The course is also self-paced. It takes approximately three months to complete if you put in 10 hours a week.
The course is renowned for its premium content and accessibility with experts, and the price reflects this. For $1,150 you get three months of content, with full access to career services, technical mentor support and projects designed by industry experts.
This course is tailored towards those who are serious in pursuing a career using JavaScript. If this is something you want to do, it is worth considering the intermediate package.
Visit Udacity – Learn Intermediate JavaScript
7. Udacity – JavaScript Design Patterns
An additional package, the JavaScript Design Patterns course is completely free.
You will learn how to organize code and will begin to understand the importance of this. You will also be able to use the content of this course to strengthen your skills learned on both other packages.
It is labelled as a booster course, so users generally do have prior knowledge in programming and coding beforehand. However, it is free to access, so there’s no harm in browsing its content.
Visit Udacity – JavaScript Design Patterns

8. Coursera – JavaScript Basics
The JavaScript Basics course, offered by The University of California, is a great platform for learning how to write general coding scripts. It is also run by the lecturer William Mead, who has a renowned reputation in IT.
Enrolment onto the course is free, and you will earn a (shareable) certificate. The course content is 100% online and takes around 20 hours to learn.
The deadlines are also flexible, so you can fit the course around your timetable. The course is tailored to beginners, so you need no extensive knowledge of coding or JavaScript to succeed.
Visit Coursera – JavaScript Basics
9. JavaScript30
This 30-day self-described ‘vanilla’ course is a great introduction to JavaScript and its applications.
This package is unique in that there are no libraries of content, no existing frameworks and no compilers of content.
Instead, JavaScript30 tests its users by setting them 30 building tasks in 30 days. In this sense the course is very practical for real-world application.
The course, set up by Wes Bos, is free to sign up to and is one of the most fun ways to engage with JavaScript. It must be noted that this is not the best course for beginners, as users need to have a comfortable knowledge with the basics.
If you like the sound of this course, you can access it once you have learnt the basics at Beginner JavaScript, which has also been designed by Wes Bos.
10. Skillshare
The JavaScript Toolkit offered at Skillshare is one of the most widely used packages available.
With more than 12,000 students enrolled on this course, you can expect reviewed and tested content.
It is a course known for its engagement with the instructor, Christian Heilmann. You will be treated to an array of coding techniques and languages used across the JavaScript community.
The 12 initial lessons are free to enroll in, and depending on where you want to go with the basics, you can enroll in additional courses.
Why You Should Learn JavaScript
If you have your sights on a career in web development, you are most likely aware of how essential JavaScript is.
Today, most websites and browsers need JavaScript to allow interaction with users. As technology improves and websites become more intricate, the use of JavaScript has become a bare minimum in many respects.
If this is your first time reading about JavaScript, you may be unsure whether you should learn it.
To open this article, follow the links included within it and to interact with the other WikiJob features, such as the top banner, requires JavaScript. You interact with it more than you may realize, and learning this skill can help you build intricate websites from the ground up.
Aside from pursuing a career in web development designing user-friendly websites, there are a range of benefits to learning JavaScript.
Here are some of them:
- Job security in IT-based roles
- Complete control over your own content
- The power to edit and change the interface of your designs
- The ability to create interactive content over various devices
- The ease with which it allows learning other coding and programming languages
- Learning the most-used coding language across the world
If you are unsure about learning JavaScript, then you may not need it. However, if you have a website and want users to interact with it in a specific way, then it’s worthwhile.
How Long Does It Take To Learn JavaScript?
Learning any programming language from the outset seems complicated, yet as JavaScript is so widely used, it is relatively accessible.
How you choose to learn JavaScript and how much time you put towards learning it will determine your timescale.
There are different parts of JavaScript to learn. For instance, picking up the basics such as HTML JavaScript – the technology that determines basic website structure – can take under a month. To master all bases of JavaScript will, of course, take longer.
Most experts state that learning JavaScript should not take longer than a year if you are doing it by yourself. The majority of people learn through social media, videos, books and informative articles like this one.
However, if you are dedicated to learning JavaScript fast and efficiently, a course is often the best option. Not only will you save yourself time, but you will be able to start developing websites and potentially make money quickly.
How to Choose a JavaScript Course
With so many JavaScript courses available, there are different ways in which you can learn.
Before choosing a course, these are some basic points to consider:
- Course price
- Course length
- Course content and what you want to primarily learn
- The flexibility of a course. For instance, can you spread the course out over a month or is it something that is best done thoroughly over a week?
- How reputable is the course and how do JavaScript developers rate the course?
Mapping out what you want to achieve from a course is the best way to decide which is going to be the best for you.
In terms of cost, there are many free courses available. Of course, these have financial benefits, and they can be relatively good for beginners.
Free courses cover the basic requirements and will give you the general skills to apply JavaScript to websites, game development and applications.
However, if you want to learn the more intricate facets of JavaScript, you will mostly likely need to take a premium course. These will be discussed below.
Other Ways to Improve Your JavaScript Skills
Outside of a course, it is still possible to learn JavaScript and improve your skills.
Here are the additional ways in which you can learn JavaScript. It is important to state that these can help you to develop existing skills, but they may not necessarily give you those skills you can get on a course.
1. Books and Research
Using videos and reading material has already been mentioned. Here are some of the best books available on JavaScript:
- Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming by Marijn Haverbeke
- JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development by Jon Duckett
- Learn JavaScript Visually: With Interactive Exercises by Ivelin Demirov
2. Practice
There are lots of JavaScript simulations that can improve your skills. One of these is run by the Khan Academy and allows you to play a variety of games that will improve your programming skills.
Once you have the basics down, you can begin to work on draft projects. They do not have to be polished, but if you have a website development in mind, then it is a good idea to put the skills you have to the test.
3. Coding and Programming Forums
One of the best sources of information is other people. Networking and joining forums can be a great way to discuss JavaScript and learn from proven developers.
Forums are also a great way to get recommendations and advice on next steps.
Final Thoughts
JavaScript is an essential skill for anyone who wants to pursue a career in web development.
It is also a great tool for any independent business owners who want to set up a personalized website.
It is not a difficult programming language to master, and with the packages outlined above, you too can become an expert.