How to Pass the SCAAT Test in 2025
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There are job roles where concentration is paramount to the safety and protection of both the worker and the public.
The ability to focus for a period of time is a skill that needs to be measured when looking to take one of these roles.
This is where the Safe Concentration and Attention Test (SCAAT) is used by employers to assess if the applicant has the right attributes and mental capacity to conduct the role safely and properly.
This article will look into what exactly the SCAAT is, when it is used, tips for preparing for it and delve into the format of the test.
What Is the Safe Concentration and Attention Test (SCAAT)?
The SCAAT test is the leading concentration exam, used by companies globally.
It is designed to measure the attention, concentration and multi-tasking skills of an individual who is applying for a certain role.
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The test wants to see that the candidate can:
- Concentrate on one task for a period of time
- Give attention to two tasks at once
- Focus while switching attention to something else during a short amount of time
- Be accurate while working fast
The most common time the SCAAT test is used is by transport companies.
Train and bus drivers need to be able to concentrate for a long period of time, while also multitasking. It is imperative they do not make mistakes that can risk others’ safety.
The SCAAT test is a proven method of testing these skills for those wanting to drive these types of vehicles. Other roles within these industries may also require taking the SCAAT test.
What Is the SCAAT Test Format?
During the SCAAT assessment, candidates are presented with three sets of exercises to complete.
Each of these exercises is split into three sheets, with one minute given on each sheet to answer.
A common exercise given to test the relevant skills is for each sheet to have different lines of shapes on. The applicant then has to identify the target shape and changing shape on each image.
Candidates commonly take the SCAAT test online, and the sheets automatically move after each minute.
The goal is to complete each sheet as accurately and quickly as possible, bearing in mind that the test gets more difficult as it progresses. For example, sheet two may require the person to find two changing shapes in each grid.
It is not required for the individual to answer every question, but as many as they can.
A rate of at least 50% correct answers on each sheet is commonly required for a pass rate. The candidate can take the test twice in most cases.
SCAAT Test Examples
The SCAAT test is timed and increases in difficulty, so it is important to prepare and practice.
Looking at SCAAT test examples will help in gauging the format and type of questions being asked so that a person can then go and revise effectively.
Here are some SCAAT test examples.
Sheet One
Find the symbol: circle with a dot either side of it.
Sheet Two
Each sheet will become more challenging, including more shapes for the applicant to identify.
Find the symbol from sheet one and find the new symbol: two circles and one dot.
Sheet Three
The test is getting harder, and in the third sheet there are three images to find.
Please find the symbols from the first two sheets and the new symbol: two circles and two dots.

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SCAAT Test Practice Tips
We have mentioned that it can be a challenge to pass the SCAAT test as the sheets become progressively harder and it is under a time restriction.
When combining this with the fact that bus and train driver roles are highly sought after, passing this test is vital.
Here are some tips that can be adopted to gain success:
Research everything there is to know about the SCAAT. Read forums or SCAAT test practice book resources if you can find them, look at question examples and memorise exactly what is involved. This is a surefire way to avoid stress from a surprise in the test that can lead to mistakes being made.
There are SCAAT test practice exams online, in addition to other similar tests that will all help with preparation. By doing these sort of practice tests, the candidate will become aware of any areas they need to revise more. It is also a good idea to practise concentration and memory games to help train the brain and open those parts that will be needed for the test.
Many people find a way to locate the symbols by naming them. For example, looking for ‘Sally Symbol’ may make it easier to find.
In a test like this, one of the skills analysed is a person’s ability to stay calm. If you get stressed under pressure, it may be a good idea to practise some calming techniques before the test that can then be adapted during the exam.
Do not be alarmed by the amount of repetition in the test. The SCAAT test is looking at concentration skills, which are needed when looking at repetitive data.
Sleep is vital for concentration so ensure a good night’s rest before the test.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Safe Concentration and Attention Test is used by the likes of train and bus companies to measure skills in those areas.
It assesses the ability to concentrate on one task at a time, multi-task and still focus and switch attention to something but still concentrate on the other thing.
The SCAAT test is commonly used by national transport companies to assess the skills of drivers, signallers and operators.
As part of the recruitment process, these candidates will need to take the test so their concentration and attention skills can be measured.
The SCAAT test is timed and once the sheet moves on you can’t go back and answer more questions or change responses.
It requires speed and accuracy so if you’re lacking these skills, it can be challenging.
Prepare with SCAAT practice tests, relevant puzzles and quizzes and rest well beforehand.
The SCAAT test can only be retaken once in most cases. This means a person has two attempts to pass.
This is why good preparation with a free practice SCAAT test online is recommended before taking the SCAAT test.
Final Thoughts
The SCAAT test is a proven successful method of measuring an individual's speed and accuracy skills.
The test is used as part of the recruitment process for roles such as train or bus drivers and any job where these skills are vital.
The test is timed and requires applicants to answer as many questions as possible. Combining this with the fact the test can only be taken twice means that preparation and revision is strongly recommended.
Whether preparing for a bus or train driver SCAAT test or applying for another role that requires taking the test, there are many ways to prepare for the exam that will give candidates the best chance of passing.